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wbv   Bundesverband der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an Wirtschaftsschulen e.V.




Lorenz Lassnigg (IHS, Vienna) AUSTRIA
To match or mismatch? The Austrian VET system on struggle with diverse and changing demand

Olga Troitschanskaia (University of Berlin) BULGARIA & LITHUANIA
Dynamic and Stability of Institutional Vocational Education in Bulgaria and Lithuania. An Empirically Verified Draft

Dana Kocková (National Institute of Technical and Vocational Education) CZECH REPUBLIK
Requirements of the Labour market for Education in Economics in the Czech Republic

Bruno Clematide & Anders Vind & Astrid Dahl (KUBIX, Danish Confed. of Trade Unions) & Christian Helms Joergensen (Roskilde University) DENMARK Challenges for the Danish VET-system - on the path towards a future model

Lauri Tuomi (Edupoli) FINLAND
Towards Life-long Learning – Vocational Business Education for Adults in Finland

Johanna Lasonen (University of Jyvaskyla) FINLAND
Workplaces as Learning Environments: Assessments by Young People after Transition from School to Work

Philippe Mehaut (LEST-CNRS, Aix en Provence) FRANCE
Decentralising vocational training: More than just a shift in scale. Lessons drawn from the French experience

Hubert Ertl (University of Oxford) & Peter F.E. Sloane (University of Paderborn) GERMANY
The German Training System and the World of Work: The Transfer Potential of the Lernfeldkonzept

Karin Büchter (University of Hamburg) & Franz Gramlinger (Cedefop)
The System of Continuing Education in German VET

Claudio Dondi & Monica Turrini ITALY (Scienter)
European National and regional change drivers in the transformation of Italian VET system

Harm Biemans, Loek Nieuwenhuis, Rob Poell, Martin Mulder & Renate Wesselink THE NETHERLANDS
Competence-based VET in the Netherlands: background and pitfalls

Ivan Svetlik (University of Ljubljana) SLOVENIA
Striving for innovation in VET in Slovenia

Kenneth Abrahamsson (Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Resaerch) SWEDEN
School to Work Transition, Labour Market Flexibility and Lifelong Learning in the Swedish Context

Mats Lindell (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)Marja-Leena Stenström ( University of Jyväskylä, Finland) SWEDEN & FINLAND
Across Conceptual Models and Practices: Workplace learning in Higher Vocational Education in Sweden and Finland

Jordi Planas (Autonomous University of Barcelona) SPAIN
Vocational training in Spain: Changes in the model of skill production and in management modalities

Philipp Gonon (University of Zurich) SWITZERLAND
Challenges in the Swiss Vocational Education and Trainingsystem

Hans Seitz, Christoph Metzger & Christoph Kobler (University of St.Gallen) SWITZERLAND
Vocational Education in Switzerland - Challenges and Strategies: Some Reflections on Structures, Paths, Qualifications and Requirements of the World of Work

Geoff Hayward (SKOPE, University of Oxford) UNITED KINGDOM
Vocationalism and the decline of vocational learning in England