Profil 7
Über bwp@
bwp@ ... ist das Online-Fachjournal für alle an der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Interessierten, die schnell, problemlos und kostenlos auf reviewte Inhalte und Diskussionen der Scientific Community zugreifen wollen.

bwp@ Profil 7 - Juni 2022
Perspektiven wirtschafts- und berufspädagogischer sowie wirtschaftsethischer Forschung
Profil 7: Digitale Festschrift für Gerhard MINNAMEIER zum 60. Geburtstag
, &Why (not) choose a Career in Academia – Theoretical Review of (Gender Related) Reasons
Women are underrepresented in science, although formal barriers that strongly influenced women's academic careers in the 20th century no longer exist today. The declining proportion of women in the course of an academic career is also described as a “leaky pipeline”: On the way to a professorship, more and more women turn to a perspective other than academia, although initially many women begin their careers in the corresponding degree. This problem can be found (also across disciplines) at all German universities, and for multiple reasons such as (psychological) barriers resulting from (rather male) stereotypes in science, a lack of female role models, etc.
Until now, there has been a lack of focus on the various professional biographical stages of academic careers. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to elaborate and summarize reasons and obstacles on academic careers that can be derived from various theories and empirical findings and furthermore to develop a model that traces individual and organizational influencing factors and possible changes in the course of an academic career.
Zitieren des Beitrags
Hangen, J./Köpfer, P./Siegfried, C./Baade, L. (2022): Why (not) to Choose a Career in Academia – Theoretical Review of (Gender Related) Reasons. In: bwp@ Profil 7: Perspektiven wirtschafts- und berufspädagogischer sowie wirtschaftsethischer Forschung. Digitale Festschrift für Gerhard Minnameier zum 60. Geburtstag, hrsg. v. Hermkes, R./Bruns, T./ Bonowski, T., 1-21. Online: (12.06.2022).