Profil 9
Über bwp@
bwp@ ... ist das Online-Fachjournal für alle an der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Interessierten, die schnell, problemlos und kostenlos auf reviewte Inhalte und Diskussionen der Scientific Community zugreifen wollen.

bwp@ Profil 9 - August 2024
Vernetzt mit Franz
Profil 9: Digitale Festschrift für Franz Gramlinger
, , , &Franz Gramlinger: Communicator, organiser, editor, persuader and host
1 Franz Gramlinger
Celebrating Franz Gramlinger is not an easy task as he is a multi-faceted and intensely productive organiser, editor, persuader and communicator, to name but a few of his areas of expertise. This short text reflects his work in these areas in the context of his contribution to the field of vocational education and training research over many years.
1.1 Franz Gramlinger: Communicator
Franz is a gifted communicator, as anyone reading this who knows him will agree. He is also a very enthusiastic communicator, as anyone reading this who knows him will agree.
At conferences, conversations with Franz often go on late into the night, even when, or possibly especially when, everybody has presentations to finalise for the next day. In addition to this, he is full of energy and imagination and is deeply committed to everything he does, professionally and in all other areas of his life.
This can make it challenging to keep up with his unbelievable pace, for example regarding the task of translating abstracts for bwp@ into English, many years ago. It was inspiring to be involved in the whirl of activity that produced the issues, and to discuss tricky translations (usually of compoundnounsingermanandoraustrian) with him and agree on solutions.
A list of difficult terms would emerge from each issue (often terms involving some iteration of ‘Beruf’, ‘Handlung’ and ‘Kompetenz’) and each time we had a discussion and tried to get as close as possible to the intended meaning. Each new issue presented new challenges and dilemmas. Just as Franz found solutions to certain tricky terms, new ones would appear.
1.2 Franz Gramlinger: Organiser
As anyone reading this will know, Franz is a gifted organiser. He seems to have more than one full-time job. Organising conferences and meetings comes naturally to him, as well as, of course, shepherding each issue of bwp@ to publication. He can also find a table for dinner at short notice almost anywhere. (Thank you for the excellent choice in Vienna at New Year.)
He seemingly invented, organised and ran the first iterations of the now well-established Austrian Conference for Vocational Education and Training (BBFK) single-handedly, creating a format that serves as a platform for exchange, discussion and networking. Many conference delegates have commented on the friendly and easy-going-nature of these conferences. Although Franz himself would be quick to pass this praise on to his co-organisers, it is arguably mainly due to him that the BBFK continues to stand out as a well-respected and welcoming event in the calendar of the VET research community.
1.3 Franz Gramlinger: Editor
Other contributors to this Festschrift will focus on his long-standing role as editor of bwp@, However, it is impossible to consider his contribution to the VET research community without mentioning this pillar of the work he has done, together with a large team of co-editors, contributors, special issue editors and, of course, the readership. This has led to a substantial volume of work in the field, easily accessible for those working in the field and with an online presence which, typically for Franz, is user-friendly, easily navigable and occasionally surprising.
He was certainly instrumental in the far-sighted decision to create the first online-only journal in the German VET context at a time when print journals still dominated the market and many doubted whether a digital journal would be taken seriously in academia. Time has proven the doubters wrong. Also, the firm commitment of Franz and his co-editors to truly open access is remarkable, as it came well before the question of accessibility of often publicly-funded research became a widely-discussed topic. This is an example of what true editorship should be concerned with: nothing less than making good decisions for the research community, authors and readers alike, and guiding the future development of the discipline.
1.4 Franz Gramlinger: Persuader
As anyone reading this will know, Franz is a gifted persuader. It is hard to say ‘no’ to someone whose own standard response to requests for contributing to the VET community is a ‘yes’, delivered with alacrity. Whether the task at hand is becoming a member of organising committees, editing bwp@ issues, or developing innovative ideas for publications, Franz always offers persuasive reasons for taking on these tasks.
He is very persuasive regarding other issues too. For example, if you are unsure whether it is still a good idea to go skiing in this day and age – ask Franz and he will supply you with all the reasons you need for ending your skiing career. Only an Austrian can be so persuasive on this topic.
1.5 Franz Gramlinger: Host
As anyone who knows Franz will agree, Franz is a gifted and generous host. He is certainly generous with his infectious laughter and curiosity about manner of all things. His approach to being a conference host is legendary and his intuition on what different types of people might appreciate in a given situation is second to none. He is also very imaginative in finding ways of persuading decision-makers to support meetings and networking within the research community.
1.6 Franz Gramlinger: The future?
It is hardly believable that Franz has reached this milestone of 60, as he has such a youthful nature, full of verve, enthusiasm and humour. What will the future bring? Undoubtedly more projects, more issues of bwp@ and more successful conferences.
Most importantly, though, time with his beloved family and friends.
Franz, we wish you a very happy 60th birthday!
Hubert Ertl and Stephanie Wilde
Zitieren des Beitrags
Ertl, H. & Wilde, S. (2024). Franz Gramlinger: Communicator, organiser, editor, persuader and host. In K. Büchter, H.-H. Kremer, N. Naeve-Stoß, K. Wilbers & L. Windelband (Hrsg.), bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik – online. Profil 9 (S. 1–3). (04.08.2024)